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The Engineer later died and birthed a Deacon. The Engineer survived and attacked Shaw within Prometheus' lifeboat, Shaw released the Trilobite she had extracted earlier from her womb as the result of intercourse with Holloway who was infected by the pathogen, which restrains and impregnates the Engineer while Shaw escapes. The remaining crew later sacrificed themselves and the Prometheus to destroy the Engineer's ship. The Engineer reactivated his ship and headed for Earth to carry out his original mission to wipe out the human race. Weyland and his team went to the Engineers' ship to commune with the last Engineer however, upon waking the Engineer decapitated David after a brief conversation and killed Weyland along with the entire party, save Shaw, who managed to escape.


The android David successfully found the last living Engineer and informed Weyland, who was secretly aboard the ship the entire time. The crew's interference caused the pathogen stored within the Ampules to melt, a few crew members were exposed to the pathogen, and in the ensuing chaos most were killed. The crew entered the structure and discovered the bodies of some Engineers, as well as several Steatite Ampules stored within the structure. The Prometheus crew explored the moon's surface where they came across the Engineer Temple. In 2093, after the USCSS Prometheus' two year voyage, the ship arrived on LV-223. Before it could complete it's readings however, it was stepped on and destroyed by a passing Engineer. On April 4, 2090, a probe sent by Wayland arrived on LV-223 to survey the moon. Weyland agrees with the proposal and funds the creation of the scientific vessel Prometheus to follow the map to the distant moon LV-223. Shaw then contacted Peter Weyland, the elderly CEO/Creator of Weyland Corporation, for a proposal in order to gain enough funding for an expedition to follow the star map. They interpret this as an invitation from the Engineers rather than a warning to stay away.

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In 2089, archaeologists Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway discover a star map among several unconnected ancient cultures within a cave during their expedition on the Isle of Skye. Four surviving Engineers took refuge within their ship, storing themselves within its hypersleep chambers however, only one of them survived. However, they apparently lost control of the pathogen and led the Engineers there to die off. The Engineers continue to visit Earth multiple times to observe the human race's development, presumably to pursue further unknown studies on humanity.Īt some point approximately 2,000 years before, the Engineers stationed on LV-223 initiated a plan to wipe out humanity for reasons unknown by releasing the black liquid pathogen they had created. Little is known about the Engineers' history beside them being transcendent beings, but the Engineers are shown to be the "creators" of the human race as they visited Earth during its primordial state, whereupon the lone Sacrificial Engineer ingests an unknown liquid, causing his entire body structure to dissolve and seeding the planet with his DNA, and hastening evolution upon that world.


Engineers are antiheroes in the Alien Series Biography

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